Hi everyone,
here we are! This is the very first post of this blog!
As you can see in our pages up here (collaborators, why this blog, and so on), we wrote a few lines of our aim and of our policies. And now...what else? We just want to explain everyone the ideas that brought us to start this ambitious project.
We started at the beginning of 2015 a MathIsInTheAir (MIITA) blog in Italian language and we immediately had a discrete success in Italy! Well, of course, I want to remark the fact that our posts are about maths and nothing else, so we will never have the same success other websites have. But! We will try to make people hear (and read) our voice!
So, at the beginning of 2016, we had the idea of starting an English blog. At the moment we only have Italian collaborators and we are only a few, so we would like to invite everyone who has passion, knowledge and/or just time to help and collaborate with us. Everyone is welcome! And why not? If some of you would like to open a MIITA blog in another language...it would be amazing!
Just a quick notice before starting with all the needed passion and energy: we just want to say sorry in advance for all the little (I hope not big) mistakes in English language we are going to make! English isn't the authors' first language so it can be that sometimes there will be some mistakes. Please, be patient!! 😉
Well, I hope I said everything! So, stop talking, it's MATH time! Have a good time in our blog!
MIITA staff
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